For a snack they can have Mac the Apple. Just kidding; that would be
mean. Mac, you see, is a “good apple,” as Edward Hemingway notes in his
provocatively titled “Bad Apple: A Tale of Friendship.” What drives Mac
to the alleged dark side? The answer is Will, a worm who takes residence
in Mac’s head. Ignoring hygienic and parasitical issues, the two become
instant best friends — playing in the dirt, flying kites, bobbing in a
lake. But the rest of the orchard is appalled. “Look at Mac!” the other
apples shout. “He’s got worms! Mac’s a rotten apple!”
Social norms force Mac and Will apart; surprisingly effective,
fruit-related pathos ensues before the two friends decide to buck
convention and like whom they like. Who cares what anyone thinks? You
and I have heard this story before, though not all children have, and
some could use hearing it again. Hemingway — Ernest’s grandson — works
charming enough variations on the formula to please even the most jaded
of adult readers, or at least me, and his cheerfully innocent
illustrations are affecting.
For the full text, go here.
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